Hero’s Welcome

Patrick Ellsworth
1 min readMay 16, 2022
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The night I was born my dad and my Uncle Jack were at my house with my mom.

She started to go into labor and my dad pulled out a bottle of booze.

Every time she had a contraction the two of them took a shot.

They timed the contractions on paper.

In between, they were talking about the latest gossip in town.

Meanwhile, my mom was in excruciating pain.

She just wanted to get to the hospital before they were too drunk.

My dad drove.

My mom kept thinking if we can just make it across the bridge we just might make it to the hospital.

When they got to the hospital the admitting nurse told my dad he had to sign some paperwork.

He slurred, “I ain’t signing anything!”

My mom begged the nurse, “Just take me upstairs. Get me away from these idiots.”

And thank God she did.

